Photo Show from the Old Days

Photo Show from the Old Days

Rolling on a Historical Drumcircle

Rolling on a Historical Drumcircle
Pic by Karl Wenn

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year...........

Here we go for the last day of the year. Tonight we’ll all be at the Gallery for the big New Years Eve Party with the Jesse Dreamer band with guests……. It will be Potluck so bring your goodies, and show up around 8 or whenever……………

Happy New Year to all of you!! Thanks for reading and sending comments and coming up with us to drum like we did last night. We had a pretty big drumming! Some old friends including Wil, Keio, Karen, Chuck and lots of others and it was a great jamming time! Then the after hours was real nice too……… should have stayed.
Well, see you next year!! Love to you All in the New Year……….

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Drumming Tonight......

Really nice Sunday morning here on the eastern edge of the Central Valley. I bet the bike riding is going good right now, to bad I can’t go yet. I still have to take it easy…..I’ve been doing way too much and have to slow down to heal. Otherwise it would be on the bike and sucking air from the clear, clean and green foothills. Oxygenating they call it, giving your body lots of air for a prolonged time. Might as well be good air if you’re exercising eh.
The Gallery is getting all dressed up and the New Years party is going to be a good one I can tell. Considering that the Riverview, with Shaval is getting a 10 dollare cover charge. The Gallery New Years party is FREE……………..
In answer to your question as to how early and food…….Well do bring goodies and come on up and check it out around 9……………….I’ll post more before………..
Oh…and Don’t forget we are Drumming tonite….Yes….We are having our big Drum Circle Tonite so come on up and you’ll hear all the gossip…………..

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Nobodys fault but my own..........

Hello, I’m back to a nice sunny, cloudy day here. Temp. in the 40’s and life in the 50’s The big Christmas is done and its time to really be thinking about what it will be like next year, in terms of goals. Another term for it would be………The New Years Resolutions. I can’t give you my list yet because I’m still thinking about it. This little issue I went through this week rattled my bones emotionally and it was good to have to go away for a few days and hideout. Through the last few days I’ve done one of Jonny’s famous Sauna’s, did a hike way up into Skyline….the falls. And night times were around the game jenga, drinks and lots of food and laughing……..lots of laughing because that’s’ what I really went for…… and a few new friends who showed me that we can all feel like we’ve known each other for years even though I’ve only known them a couple of days.
All in a Drum Circle kind of way of course.

Gary is busy getting the gallery all ready for the big New Years eve party for YOU. Live good band, Cases of Champagne and everyone you know………Please do come and celebrate the coming year with us all.

I took a few pictures on our hike and I’m putting them on here for your enjoyment. All taken at the end of Skyline…………………

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Another Christmas done........................

I hope your Holidays were terrific. The Holidays are full of joy, but also hold lots of greive to many. Myself, I'm really glad they are over. I'm getting kicked out of the house here for a few Please hold on and I'll be right back. And Yes, I have my picture taking device with me. Love to you ALL.........

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Saturday, December 22, 2007

10,000 Hits !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whooopppeeee!!!! Ten Thousand hits…………wow!! Thank You all for being a part of this. It’s only been a year and it’s a big Christmas present from all of you who have been tuning in. I’m going to keep giving you the best pictures I can take. Keeping track of the Drumcircle, as elusive as it can be, will always be my priority. Lets all make this next coming year the “Best Ever” together! Happy Holidays………………………..

I had to go to the doctors in Visalia yesterday. In the office waiting room I saw the front page of the paper saying that the funeral procession of that Sheriffs Deputy, who got shot last week, would be going down 198 on the way through Exeter then to the graveyard outside of town. I drove that way just before it came through and I was just blown away by what I saw! ALL the overpasses were packed with people waiting to see it go by! Thousands of people! Cars were stopped all along the freeway and all the way to Exeter along the roads there were people standing and sitting. They went down mainstreet and then came by the house here. By then I was already home and I watched too with everybody else as almost a half hour of police cars from all over California drove by. Rest in Peace…………………………

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Friday....Winter Solstice

Tomorrow, Friday is the first day of Winter, the winter solstice. And its been cold and rainy. Christmas is on its way fast and pretty soon it’ll be New Years Eve at the Gallery. Live Band………………….stay in touch for details………Enjoy your Friday!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The best times ever................

I’m putting up some old drumcircle pics for you history buffs out there. August, 1992 was our starting date as a drumcircle and we’re coming up on another year to add to the tally. Thanks for asking about that because you know I like to talk that stuff when you ask. So, I’ll be putting up more of these. As always, you can double click the big pictures for full screen viewing and saving for a screen saver or your Kaweah River Drum Circle historical file.
We had a great warm drumming last Sunday night, though not many came. We had the fire the hottest it’s ever been, I wish you were there so we could brag about ourselves to you. We had big stumps and got them all burning hot. Nice fire all nite and some good grooves for just a few of us. Sometimes it can be tighter with just a few.
It rained pretty good here for the last couple of days. The river got way up….almost 700 cfs!! The highest in awhile, enough to catch the ever creeping lawn chairs and head them to the lake. Snow too, a lot and that’s good my friends. I even saw 2 kayakers heading down the river today……Its going to be river time soon!!
I’m sure glad we drummed for rain and snow the last few drummings. That stuff really works!!!! See you soon……………

Sunday, December 16, 2007

We Love Sunday Night................

It’s really a roll of the dice with how you recover from a surgery. Health has a lot to do with it and then there’s all the other factors like ethnic background and I guess your general constitution, you know, how your body moves through the air…..of life. How tough you are I mean. I’ve had the thermostat set at 71 and that’s a bit too soft I think. And just taking it easy takes some work. I have ridden my bike around 50 miles on 2 pretty hard rides in the last few days so all that’s working again! But I’m taking it pretty easy and slow. Thanks to all who asked how I have been doing, I really appreciate that!!
Yea, and Gary and myself even went to the bar last nite! A couple of beers is good for you…..just don’t drive right away of course. We hung around and watched the band and caught up with friends you only see at the bar and then I went home.
Tonight we’ll have a big fire going before you get there so Come on Up. We’d all love to see you, meet you again!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Wednesday before Thursday......

That’s cool, its Wednesday on a week soon to be Christmas. Just getting into singing Christmas carols and smelling the pine tree smell and seeing the lights and ornaments. Not like when I was a kid and had my eye on what was under the tree. I knew exactly what my packages were and what they might be…..given a torn corner or two. I hated getting clothes as they never seemed to fit what others were wearing and always was not hip to wear. So, I haven’t seen any stuff under that ole tree yet but I’m thinking about hitting the malls here soon. Like maybe afterwards………This way it will be a surprise!
Cloudy and cool about sums up the weather and since Gary’s gone to San Francisco this week, no music tonight…………But, be looking for the call here pretty soon as we’re all ready to do some celebrating together……………Think Christmas………..

Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday Monday............

The sky was black and starry and it was really cold! That said, we had a really good grooving time last night. The upsized core of the drum circle was there in their best. We just drummed and drummed some more. I took it easy and just did shaking with my shaker. The fire felt warm and cozy and we kept the wood on to make it so. This is what it takes to be outside no matter what the temp and be together in that way. I’m sure glad we can do this and be able to have everyone join us! This is a gift we receive every Sunday night. Give Thanks………
Man I haven’t been out too much, so if you think I’ve been grueling through the malls looking for that present to give you , well………Hold on then………
It is the time to think ahead too. The big New Years resolution. Its time to think about that and make our lives more abundant with everything we want…..or don’t want. Getting healthy is on my list….to get in the best shape of my life….hows bout that one. Why not? Its easy and fun and you just go slow, like the turtles…….Hope your day goes well my friends……………….

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Everybody's coming up tonite.................

Its Sunday and that means the drum circle is tonite! Warm fire, good friends and the groove from the exact center of Three Rivers. I’m ready to head up and see how it goes. Don’t forget to wear your long underwear and bring cookies as always. See you there I hope………………….

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Its Saturday...............Let's Go.........

We got quite a bit of rain over here! I have been watching the River rise (on the computer) and it’s up to 350cfs now. It has been at 35cfs forever! We need the rivers to flow and the snow to stick. Build up a pack for the winter storage. Now, its clear and alittle sunny. All the liquid amber trees in the yard are finally turning their leaves the fall colors and it starting to feel a lot like Christmas………..
I’m still moving slow over here……sore man! I’ve been trying to stretch the time between taking the pain pills and have got some long ones but its back to the pills when the jaw hurts real bad. I’m gonna make it though! I’ve been real anticy to get out and see you all. I’m ready, almost to get back on the bike and the drum and the guitar. What are you doing tonite???? Call me and if your in the area, stop by and say hi……….Thanks to you friends………….

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Bring it On!!

It really is a miracle how the human body heals itself so quickly. I got all my bandages off and I’m looking normal to the unknowing eye. Still got staples and stitches in and they will come out Monday. What a trip it is to be just kind of dopey on pain meds and moving through life here, where it is presently cloudy. A perfect way for the day to be feeling how I do. I can’t wait to get back in the middle of the river of life. Play my drum and guitar again and just have this monkey off my back finally.
What are you doing today? …………………
There is a winter storm warning in effect for this evening into tonight and tomorrow too. Snow down to around 5000’ with the possibility of it coming all the way down to 4000’. This is good news for a lot of areas around here you know. The river has been really low lately, running like it does in late August. So, we’ll see how it blows……….batten the hatches my friends it’s a gully washer a coming………………….Pour your self some hot chocolate and pull up the easy chair closer to the fire, this should be cool to see Winter arriving with a parade in tow. Let’s talk again later and see how we’re doing………Thanks for tuning your dial this way………………

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

On the other side......................

Yo, I’m back. Go get yourself a warm cup of tea and I’ll catch you up on my last few hours.
Well, I didn’t die so that’s good news. I made it through the surgery and it went great! No facial deformities like I was thinking were going to be the case and I feel pretty darn good. My head is all wrapped in bandages and I look like the mummy. I’ve got pain meds and lots of time to lie around watching TV and thinking. I don’t need to lay around and today I go see the doc again and probably get some bandages removed.
The worst part was the drive over yesterday. Of course I’ve been dreading this surgery, my first, ever since I made the appointment. I was told by several of my friends around here that you just have to give in at some point and let them do what they do. I came to that conclusion while in the waiting room and with an IV stuck in me I just meditated on what was to come. I had to wait a couple of hours like that and I listened to all the other people getting ready for their operations. Then they came and had me go to the surgery room and lie down on a table. The guy with the knock out drug had me breathe in some oxygen from a mask and that was the last thing I remembered. I opened my eyes in the recovery room after my 2 ½ hour surgery and sipped on some sprite, ate some crackers and urinated. I was spaced out……………………….
Monday, the day before, I took a long 30 mile ride on my bike. It was a beautiful day and I had some good friendship to help psych me up for my big day. I was feeling really healthy and turns out I am!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any of you who hang around me probably have noticed that I’ve been a lot more subdued lately. Well bro this is why. I’ve had a lot on my mind and now I’ve got to plan my next moves with my new life……..yippee!!
Yours thoughts and prayers for my operation going well paid off and for that I am forever grateful !! Thanks for checking in………………..My Love to you all…………

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Nows the Time...................

I’m back after touring alittle bit of the country. Very nice week it was and now I’m ready for my biggest adventure yet…………! Yep, going under the knife on Tuesday morning to remove this lump I have on my jaw that s been there a long time. Now is the time to get this done, but it turns out that its more complicated. I might look alittle different next time we meet folks, and as always I’ll let you know how it goes. Plus, one more thing………..I don’t have health insurance!! Luckily it’s only around 7 grand………
I’m drumming with all I got tonite to bring in all the luck there is to bring in. I’m very, very Thankful for all my friends and will be seeing you after my two weeks of recovery time…………and hopefully sooner. So, as always my friends……….Stay Tuned and come on up tonite………We’ve got more wood….Thanks to Paul….so we’ll have a big fire to warm your souls……………..see you there………………..

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Good to see you!!

I’m posting these pics that Kevin T. took or his friend. They show what it looked like Sunday night at our drumming. Kevin hasn’t been in awhile and he is our fire twirling master wizard. So, a show we received….twirling and whirling in the darkness, with only the circles of fire in the air, and our drumming to egg him on too of course! We had a good one, you just never know who’s going to show and that’s one of the draws of this game we play every Sunday night along the Kaweah River.
Yea, were still pretty darn dry and no river hardly flowing, but its gotten cold like a frozen Alaskan lake!
Did a real nice ride up Yokohl today and we could feel the cold air arriving with a blowing wind. Nice though, that’s what it’s all about ………….
So, big things coming up……….I’ll let you in soon so like always my friends….Please stay tuned……………….Love to you………….

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The beach is just 3 hours away.............

Moving along the conveyor of life over here. Its gotten colder and I’ve heard about 30 degree temps going around this morning. Well yea! It’s supposed to be snowing and it is in Iowa I hear. Here it’s still dry and no snow and well, it better hurry up. Can you imagine owning a ski resort in Tahoe right now! All dressed up and nowhere to go!! Thanksgiving holiday was always a big ski weekend for some, but now we’ve got the global warming and all that. That’s if you believe in it………..And I do by the way!!
So, we’ve been hard at the socializing. I’ve been working at the barn at Slickee with friends stopping by to say hi. Do come by too if your in the area, it’s the best part of the river. We did a nice sauna Friday nite, Wil, Gary and myself. Purging the bad and enjoying the good. Then went to Bruce’s 50th birthday party last night. All pretty easy fun for the funsters. And Tonite, we’ve got the big Sunday Night Drumming in the center of Three Rivers. Big warm fire, and lots of beats to push you into the week. A great way to start the week………..I hope to see you there my friends……Bring cookies and cake but no leftover Turkey please…………Lets catch up…………

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanks and more................

I’m feeling pretty fat my friends…I’ve eaten a lot and dessert too and well I’m burping and feeling like a good day has passed. The moon is big and bright and there’s probably going to be frost on the pumpkin over here in the eastern edge of the Central Valley of California.
We had a really good music session last night. We had a Violin, flute and 2 guitars and some drums. This made for a nice sound and range. Considering we all were just jamming the whole time, we actually came up with several movie soundtracks that need to be repeated to show all that we can make music…………….Good luck with that you say……Well, it was only the first one……….Come on!!
Alright, stay warm and lets get together soon and I’ll tell you some more juicy stuff I’m hearing……………………Happy, Happy…………….

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Holidays here we Come...................

A Happy Thanksgiving to all of you friends out there! I hope its happy and things are going your way. We all went to the big Drumming performance by the ….Obo Addy..Drummers …at the COS theater last night and it was great! 4 drummers with lots of long cylinder drums and some small ones and squeeze drums and a Marimba. They gave a 90 minute show and we were into every minute of it. Friends from Auberry were there, as were the locals and us. We got the call to get something inspirational out of this to bring home and we sure did.
We’ll be doing a little music tonite, starting the Wednesday Nites again we’ve got the coffee on and the heater too. So come on by my friends and warm your Soul……………Happy Thanksgiving and Thanks for Giving!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Tuesday Night Drumming Show....................

Been out riding a couple of times now….Rode up to Badger from Lemon Cove yesterday and today did about 20 miles , that makes around 67 so far. I’m off work now and I can do this kinda stuff if I want. If feels good out there, blowing through the foothills, fresh coolness and good friends to talk to while riding along. Its our kind of golf.
And Drumming, yea, it was pretty darn good last night! Dave Crow came by, a longtime drummer and tribe leader from Visalia. We had some nice talking with the drums…..Logrhtymns if you will and lots of interaction amongst ourselves. It was almost all the old core drummers who were there and of course we were tight and played like we’ve been together for a long time………..Hey Wait, we have!!!!
What are you up to for this Monday?? Don’t forget about tomorrow nite….COS theater at 7 oclock, There is going to be a drum group playing….Sorry, I don’t know their name, but everyone’s going…..And Wadaba will be in the audience, before he heads to Africa. So, see you all there ……………………….

Saturday, November 17, 2007

A New Life begins....................

They call it a carry out….its when someone gets injured in the backcountry, or frontcountry in this case, and needs to be carried out. Preferably on a one wheeled litter, stretcher. This all happened as I was leaving work on Thursday. A call on the radio of a med-a-vac with a person injured, and they started calling for help in the form of emergency resources. A couple of us left got called to go help with anything we could and off we went. An hour later found me hiking behind our fast moving Captain, headlamp on and the heavy smell of the Bay and Oak tree in the air. It was ink black all around and only the starry night above. It was uphill and I was glad the tempature was really cool! After going in about 1 mile and a half we found the crew starting the litter down the trail, a mass of headlamps in that blackness of trees and we got in line to help. This guy was looking pretty hurt! Broken arm, broken leg and concussion so far from his fall off a cliff. So, that’s how the evening went, and after carrying, sweating and getting lots of dirt in my shoes the job was done. My last big bang as my 6 month season of work with the Wildland Fire Department in Sequoia National Park ends.We had a end of the season party last nite at Brewbakers and we toasted the high adventures and cheered as we parted ways with big hugs and see ya next season!

We are doing a sweat tonite down at the Slickee site. Join us……7 oclock. Bring your swimming shorts! And, Food or goodies like Juice or Cookies. Hopefully we will see you there! See you next entry……when a new life begins……………….Love to You,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Bear in action..................

We get bears at work that just stroll on through looking for that picnic basket or morsels of food. This week they are attracted to a big garbage truck that’s been parked at our auto shop, behind where I work. They prowl around the truck at night and hope to get in. Its gotta be some kind of big interest to bring a 350 pound bear to the area. He leaves down this slope and goes over a chain link fence that I’ve watched go from being bent over to now being just broke and the pieces laying on the trail that goes down to the river. He leaves behind big piles of scat too. Yesterday this bear even tried to just go into the office via the front door, but was immediately dispatched outta there!!
Its been party week at the office with all the goodbye stuff going on every night after work. I am going to the big goodbye party Friday nite and then that’s it………..
I hope you’ve been on the edge of the best time of your life and I want to hear all about it….so, hey, keep my in the loop eh…………Love to YOU…………

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Humphrey's Hobos and Harlots..........a Band we like

Yo, four more days here and its off to the next life. The life of a builder, electrician and general construction. I love doing this kind of work and using my tools and setting my own schedule. I’m hoping to have at least one day to goof around.
And, I’ll be back at getting Wednesday music on the list of fun things to do with all of the friends who want to join us.
I put the picture of Jons band up so you can see that members of our Drumcircle have branched out and are doing other music. We have all come from here and there are many spinners who spin out into the world having learned what we have learned and now are ready for the big world of bands and all that. They are a great band to watch and all are good friends of ours. If you get a chance to see them play, I highly recommend you head on over. Having a good day here and how bout you??

Monday, November 12, 2007

The future is NOW................

It rained a lot yesterday, Sunday. Into the night and of course this made us have to drum inside, The BOOM room. It really wasn’t that bad I guess, considering we had around 20 people at the 8 O’clock check. We drummed around the stove with a good warm fire going. Willie our Native American friend from way back was there all the way from San Jose. He cooked steaks and we all ate some. We played music with good food smells in the air and good friends all around the small circle we made. Into the night…..around 1 am it was just Willie and myself, talking about old times with Tom and with Indian music playing in the background. The Blacklodge drum from Washington playing powwow songs. We both have been to lots of dances and we know some common friends back on the Porcupine Reservation in South Dakota. This brought back lots of good memories of the past! I brought in the Sage we picked last weekend and this too brought memories of a good life on the Powwow trail. I’ll have to tell you those stories sometime…………Hou Kola my Friends………….

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The only way down is to Jump............

Going good over here, and yea, Thanks for checking in. I think your going to find that as the time now moves on, there will be a lot more entries and I hope you will like it!!
As always, you can double click the big pics to make screen savers or just to check it out bigger, and the little pictures you can save to your own set and do as you please. I do enjoy comments of any sort, even from the peanut gallery if you will………..
Well, don’t know for sure but this big storm is supposed to arrive sometime soon here, although presently its sunny and mild out…….
Its been a GREAT few days so far………You better just keep looking cuz you know how we are………ever looking for that adventure in life……Love to you till we meet again………

Thursday, November 8, 2007

You should go tonight............

Hey, How’s it going there for you today? Its Thursday, yea, and I’m heading up to Lodgepole today. This should be great fun in the sun! I’m looking forward to seeing how fall is moving along in the big trees and the dogwood that turns that really cool redish color.
Linda from her new home in Truckee, is coming to town today and would like to see you at Brewbakers tonight at 8………….Please come by say hi……..
I’m having a family Thanksgiving this Saturday. This should be fun and interesting to see us all together again after all that’s happened. I’m sure I’ll eat a lot……….Have a great day and Think Big…………………

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

It is Fall after all.......................

Wednesdays can always go either way since it’s the middle of the week. How is yours going so far?? I’m getting ready for a big day and a really good day. Not that anything’s happening, its just that I’m telling myself to make it that way……..
We’ve actually got 2 fires going in the Park that will be let to burn. They are in pretty rocky areas so as long as it doesn’t burn the big Fox TV antenna we should be alrite.
We’ve got to plan something, its that time of the week where we drummers go, hey, what’s going on this weekend……….Let me know ……….Love to you and wow, I can smell that perfume your wearing this morning all the way over here………and I really like it……….see you soon…………

Monday, November 5, 2007

Brought to you by a warm November day...........

I owe you guys I know! So, what’s new? I passed my final! Yippee!! That was a hard thing to do, but now that its done, it wasn’t really that hard. Its that way sometimes, you get all worked up about something that you think is in your way and then you look back and think, man that really wasn’t that bad and I can handle it better now. It takes getting out of your comfort zone to make big things happen. This is the only way. You know what I’m talking about ………
Maharupa brought some pretty good cookies to drumming last nite. They were store bought, but man, they hit the spot! And, they were passed around our pretty good sized crowd a few times. Some didn’t take any cuz they make you fat I guess. I didn’t get any fatter and I ate about 20 of em………..
Drummed too we did, around a big fire that got alittle smokey there boys, but you did good in getting the fire built and going before I got there. I try to always get there early and make the fire, but I sure appreciate it when someone else steps up………as many have!! We all know how to make a fire………..its really not that easy to get all of them sticks to lite! It takes some boyscout logic and some paper. Yea, you could torch it with fuel, but we don’t do that……….its wood, sized ones, twos and threes. Little to big and just a few pages of the newspaper (we prefer the Kaweah commonwealth) and off she goes. It should be just like that, and if it ain’t go back to step one………………
So the week, ah yes, Tuesday is coming and its been pretty darn sunny and kinda hot. No rain in sight for several days. We’ll be doing the Rain Dance at drumming from now on. You all remember the last time we did this don’t you???? El Nino…………………
Bye for now, and hey you are looking good in that you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See you soon.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Kiss and a Hug...........Its Friday............

Its Friday and that didn’t really take that long! I’m going to work for the big final test after training for the last 2 days………it was really hard and bringing up the memory of doing big math problems and all that. Its good to go into this part of the brain again and push all the cobwebs away and …….well, get smart about it.
So, the weekend……..I’m going on a little trip and will be back on Sunday, just in time for drumming of course! What are you doing this weekend?? Well, make plans to join us Sunday night and we’ll talk about our up coming sweat. Its time to start getting really clean and jumping in the river…………..See you soon and I’ll be thinking ………Have a great weekend my friends……………

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thinking about you................

Hello Friends, Thanks for staying tuned here! Its been a crazy week with lots of weather and now sun and fairly mild temps. I guess this would be an Indian summer here then . There was snow on Alta peak after the big storm, but it soon melted away. Things are in line for some snow and rain soon I hope there oh mighty one!.
Well, its one more week of work here and then another life to work on and new work to do. I’m excited and apprehensive to say the least! I’m glad I have you to help me through this all! I’m going to miss all my friends in the park, new and old and will probably see them during the winter. The winter, think about that now!!
We pulled tarot cards last nite at the little Halloween gathering around the fire in the drumcircle . We were all dressed like the ghouls we are and laughed and sang and played drums and ate the goodies that Paul brought. And , yes the tarot cards…….we all pulled one and had them read by Lizzy, who turns out is an expert tarot reader. Mine was Happiness and it couldn’t be more true!! I only pulled one but others pulled several and then threw them in the fire. I think that cancels it out there bro!!
I’m done eating all the candy and watching all the wonders of the rites of Halloween. Its time to be thinking turkeys now I guess. Strange stuff we do eh……….See you soon I hope!!!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

We made it through a big storm................

I’m just starting to get out and check after the Thunderstorm from hell that happened here last night! Man, were you outside and did you see all the lighting? It was almost like day light for half an hour, a light show of divine powers. So, I’m running late and have to catch you all up on the big weekend and the big drumming and the big storm, so, I’ll have to get back to you. Sorry, but I gotta get my mojo up the hill and go to work, stay tuned for the latest report from the chair here in Exeter. Love to you……………..

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Check this out for tommorow nite....Friday............

Drum Circle

October 26, 2007

7pm at Nadine’s
311 W. Kaweah Ave.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Who left something burning????

Big fire burning everywhere. Lots of park fire people have gone down to help too, and we pray that everyone makes it okay.
We had fire hit close to home here, Sunday night at the Gallery. Someone who went up to the tower left something burning and it started the canvas surrounding the tower on fire!! It smoldered till morning and dropped ashes down onto the deck and made burn marks on the railing and deck. Luckily the roof is tin and luckily it didn’t burn the gallery down!!!!
We have to be more careful there folks, we dodged the bullet this time, but this could have been the end to life as we know it at the Gallery because someone was careless. You know who you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Fall is here....but its hot............

Really great weekend here. Moving on into this week now and lots of plans going . The weather is supposed to get up to 90 this week……………
Went on a nice ride yesterday, around rocky hill and down the canal. It was a gorgeous day, clear as any ever! You could see every peak in the Sierra.
Drumming was another big one on Sunday night. Lots of old friends showed with new ones too. We got it on with the groove early and it went way into the night!
Like I said, there’s a lot of plans for this week, especially this coming weekend, so please do stay tuned………………..Enjoy your day!!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Everyday People..............

Moving through the week like a train going up a hill. Don’t know where were headed but its been pretty scenic so far.
Cold and cloudy in the park yesterday, though some sun did pop through a few times. It’s the big Auberry weekend, and I’m going to miss it. I want to start going again within the next few months though, and it’ll be drumming and driving on tap for that Friday night excursion. Though, they closed the crispy crème in Fresno, so the trip won’t be the same.
Friday is tomorrow folks and I hope your ready to get some weekend in to your busy schedule. Come on by Sunday night and say hi, we’ll have a nice warm fire going I’m sure…………..

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Heading up the hill with donuts................

As the song says……Its been awhile…..I’m back with loads of news and a pic too. A wild west kinda weekend with work on Saturday, riding on Sunday and then drumming to set the trend for a life that’s on a pretty even keel right now. Our season is ending soon, and that means new things and new people to deal with. I’ve been enjoying working in Sequoia park a lot and I’m gonna miss it and everybody! Its just that now we have to move on to other parts of our life to see what we can see.
Yea we rode on Dry Creek on Sunday, up to the horse and donkey, and it made a nice 30 miler, all up hill on the way in and yes you guessed it , all down on the way out. I didn’t feel to bad considering that I’ve been off the bike for a couple of weeks.
Drumming was a small one and it was time that it happened that way since we’ve had such big crowds. It reminded me of the old days ……….We had some good grooves though and dancers too!
Well, I better get ready for work, now that my schedule had changed and I have to start at 8 till 4.30………..Its still dark!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Holding down the fort for one more day...........

Drizzly and cloudy pretty much sums it up over here. This is my view out the window right now, and there’s even alittle fog. I got my cup of espresso to kick me off for another day at work. No real worries about fire though. Our fire in Grant Grove is just about out too. It was a perfect 3 day event, but the tourists that were staying up there freaked out. I guess it was a nice night time show of big flames Thursday and it was right behind the village. They were ready to evacuate! What they didn’t know is that we had it totally under control after getting it ready for several years.
So, this brings us to another weekend of fun and frolic. Music, social stuff and getting out with friends. Oh, and a bike ride……….yeah, lets not forget to get our exercise. See you out there eh??..........................

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cool easy days............

Weather is supposed to come in this weekend, maybe some tomorrow. I went up to Grant Grove, where we have a controlled burn going that was lit yesterday. It got real foggy up there and it was slow going for fire burning. We’ll see today………….
Then, next week a big weather maker is lined up to hit us, a multi day event. October is coming in like a lion……..
Well, no telling what them drummers will do next, but you can bet that it’s gonna be good! You better watch here for some updates before you make too many plans. See ya soon………………….

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A great time had by all.......................

Two Fabio looking German brothers broke the vertical land speed record by climbing El Cap in 2.45 yesterday in Yosemite. That’s way super human!! It takes a normal party of climbers around 5 days to climb this huge monolith..
We did it, we played the Rein Faire in all its pomp and glory and we kicked it hard! In fact we were all hurting Sunday night and couldn’t even hit our drums too much. We had a good group of us drummers show and with Chuck and Wil and Paul and Maharupa and Gary, we were able to pump grooves out that filled the skies above Hanford and had people running to see what the heck was going on. It was a really great time together and it was really fun. Dennys afterwards was the best food a hungry bunch of drummers could want who were living the days of our lives with great adventure! Thanks to all who supported us!!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

To Hanford Rein Faire we go......Tonite!!!!

I got a cool surprise yesterday at work, we got 3 days off!! And here I thought we would be doing another fire today and I would have problems going to the Rein Faire…..Well my luck is running high…which reminds me, I should buy a lotto ticket today!
It rained buckets in the park yesterday! Lots of water came from the sky and some hail too. It was cold and so, yes, it snowed up around Moro rock, putting out the prescribed burn we had finished, a perfect end to that. Snow was pretty good in the high country, and as I listened to the backcountry rangers calling in from afar I wished I too could be cabin bound in the backcountry, with the hot chocolate on and the fire stoked full of wood, with the scenery outside like no other view on earth as good! Of course I would need you there……………………………….
Well, like Wil said Kristi, come on up early, we’re arriving around 4.30, and hook up with us for arm bands and our strategy session. I hope you all come up and help. If you come to drum, bring only the drum that you are going to play, and don’t bring too much other stuff because the crowd gets crazy and any drum unattended will be picked up to play. Even when your playing your drum people will come up and try to play your drum with you………..this ain’t cool and so shoe them away like you would a pesky fly!!
Also, it’s a standing gig so you probably want to have your drum strung to your beautiful bodies my friends. Let’s go to Hanford and kick the groove out there and show them that we RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!
And, please join us for a trip to dennys for pancakes after……a Drum Circle Tradition!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Rein Faire in Hanford tommorow nite..............

Chilly today. Some rain may come in and maybe some boomers of thunder, and yea it is fall.
Getting ready for the Rein Faire. Chuck and Wil and Paul and Gary and Maharupa so far will be there along with myself. Already this is enough to get into trouble so I’m ready to have a great time and do some serious drumming!! Oh and don’t forget, we’re all going to Denny’s for pancakes afterwards……………We’ll see you there my friends!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

I"ve seen Fire and Iv'e seen Rain............

Things have tuned down here finally. I’ve been working lots of overtime and getting out some too! While on duty with these things, the camera has been by my side and I have some more pictures to pull from. Quite a few from the fire and some from my recent trip to Truckee to visit our drum circle friend Linda.
The big news this week is still the Hanford Rein Faire this weekend. We are hoping for you all to join us with this, Our BIGEST gig of the year. Saturday night 6 in the evening till 10. It’s the after hours party for all the Rein Faire folks who stay, and there’s quite a few who do!! We would like all to attend early and get an arm band so they won’t kick you out when the gates close at 6 for the public. Please plan on coming up……….and of course the Faire goes all weekend and is free. It’s a great event!! Stay Tuned up for this and more news tonite. Thanks to you ……………..

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Controlled Burn...................

Wow, I’ve got some things to tell you about and I only have about 5 minutes. So, I’ll save the good stuff for my next entry. I’ve been busy on a fire we have going up in Giant Forest. It’s been late nites and early days, but I’m loving it! Please Stay tuned and I’ll tell you all the latest about what’s going on with the unrulies. See you in a few!!