Photo Show from the Old Days

Photo Show from the Old Days

Rolling on a Historical Drumcircle

Rolling on a Historical Drumcircle
Pic by Karl Wenn

Saturday, December 16, 2006

It has gotten very Chilly around here today, and its supposed to snow down to 2000 feet.
We did our sweat last night. The four of us in a ten person sweat. We made some changes to the covering before and man, it was hot! And yes, in the river we went in the end, how good that felt, how alive!
I’ve heard that the smudging of Sage will help you through these times, the sweet smelling smoke from Sage inside the abalone shell, rubbed on your body will purify and cleanse you. We have used, Sage, Sweetgrass, Cedar, Copal, California Bay, Mugwort, Yerba Santa for smudging before going into the sweat, each person taking their turn at the smudge before going inside. There’s health benefits for colds, and flu or congestive issues. They say that buying the bundles of Sage or any Herbs for smudging, is not exactly right. You should gather them yourself, in a reflect way, thinking about the connection to the plant and the offering it is giving. This is a great excuse to take a trip to do a gathering just for this purpose. A trip to the desert for the Sage there, or the Coast for the smokey White Sage. Lets go……………………..

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