Photo Show from the Old Days

Photo Show from the Old Days

Rolling on a Historical Drumcircle

Rolling on a Historical Drumcircle
Pic by Karl Wenn

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Gary's Surgery Tommorow...........

I got a call from Paul, Gary’s son tonite. Gary is going in for his Heart surgery tomorrow at 2pm. Please keep him in your prayers…………..He will be out of surgery around 9 at nite and then ICU a few days, till he recovers enough to get his own room. Watch for updates here and Thanks for checking.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Paulo Mattioli Drum Workshop

Latest news from Gary

I just got off the phone with Gary. He was just finishing his dinner and in pretty good spirits. We talked about his up coming heart surgery, which is going to happen, he thinks, early next week. So far it will be just a heart surgery and not his lungs. They will go in and fix his leaky valve, which they think is causing his fluid buildup in his lungs. This causes his breathing problems. Apparently lungs can recover a little and for sure, if taken care off, they will quit deteriorating. Yesterday they ran a device up one of Garys veins, from a numbed spot in his crotch, and all the way up to the heart, where they checked on blockage. Gary said he couldn’t even feel it go up. They said his heart was crystal clear and that was great news!! Gary said he could have watched the device going up on TV, but declined, instead watching instant replays. So, Alls well with Gary for now and I told him to hurry back, because music and drumming were still going on. I told him about all the wood we supplied the Gallery and the Drum Circle, Big Thanks to Paul!! We talked about how good Sunday night was with Chuck and friends in attendance, and just that our music lives on Thanks to all of our friends…………..That’s YOU…..

Ascent of Greasy Peak

Tuesday brings a cloudy day here. I’ve caught up on my jobs for others and today I’m catching up over here. Something we all have to do often. I’ll be trying to catch you all up with the latest on things that we wonder about. It influences us because we let it. Last we talked it was Saturday .We went on our hike Sunday and it was fabulous! We got on top of the highest peak on the north side of the lake, Greasy Peak. Its actually back about one range of hills from the lake. It was a 3000’ elevation gain to the top, and it was a hella hump. It felt real good to be on top! I think everyone should experience this in their lives. Our goal is to climb all the highest peaks in the area around the lake and Three Rivers, and we have a few already.
I’ve been trying to call Gary, I heard from Jaylene last night that he is doing pretty good. He had some really good news about his heart. They put a video tube in to see the inside of his lungs and heart. His heart valves are surprisingly clean and clear!! I’m telling you this second hand, and I’ll find out from Gary today, so I promise I’ll update you later today. Come back, I’m making more changes!

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Sunday Night's Right..............

According to the Farmers Almanac, in the first 2 weeks of February we’re supposed to have 2 ½ inches of rain. That’s a lot and Februarys coming right around the corner. So, it’s raining right now and the plan is to meet at the Gallery at 8.30am and help Paul unload a truckload of wood for the Drum Circle tomorrow night. Then Wil and I are going on a big hike, planning to do Sulpher Ridge above the lake. We’ll be back for drumming and Chucks coming to our drumming and it’ll be a big one for sure!! I’ll let you know how the hike went and drumming too if you don’t make it, but please do.

Friday, January 26, 2007


The Latest and More

Finally, I’m back. I had some technical difficulties and it actually took a pipe wrench and jumper cables to get my computer back on track! What’s been going on? We didn’t have any music on Wednesday night. I really didn’t hear from anybody so now we’re looking at Sunday Night.
I’ve been working up the hill in a different drainage. Coming home late every evening, after driving an hour. A long very meditative drive, that Dry Creek road is. It’s gentle, but the thoughts flow around every curve, daydreaming with the music on. I’ve been living like a refugee, out of my ice chest, with my little stove and tea making kit. I’ve got a can of chicken noodle soup just in case. All my tools are clanking around, I must sound like some hillbilly.

I’m working on a Gary update; I’ve heard that he had a meeting with his son and the doctors this afternoon and they were planning to maybe do a heart and lung surgery soon. I’ll make some calls and get back to you…………………..

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Drumming at Joshua Tree....Brent Lewis Workshop

A Visit with Gary

Good Morning,

Returned home safely from visiting Gary yesterday. He seemed stronger than I had imagined he was going to be, but I believe that is because he is moving forward on his healing journey. He has Lung specialists working on him – they say he is a unique case (but we knew that). The fluid is his lungs is incapsulated in different areas and doesn’t want to come out, they are studying his history and going to possibly try a medication called streptokinase. He ate a good lunch, we visited & laughed, took a long walk and then I washed & massaged his feet and he fell sound asleep. Sure do love him. He very much enjoyed the drawings and notes from everyone, and we put the beads you gave him Maharupa on his ankle, that way they were on him, but out of the way of his IV & Oxygen tubing.

San Francisco is a great city, I drove through Golden Gate Park to the Beach, it was so beautiful, took a long walk barefoot. Felt so good, the sunset was beautiful. Take care my friends.

Peace, Linda

Monday, January 22, 2007

Sunday Night....1-21-07

Nice to see you all at the drumming last night! It was a nice warm fire and quite a few drummers to make for a merry one As you know, Wil is in the process of moving to Santa Cruz, and he brought some left over furniture to burn. We had fun doing drum tricks and it was all about the groove and the fire. In the end, even Maharupa caught fire and had to be put out. Wil has sent us something nice for you to read, enjoy…………Rene’

DRIVING RHYTHMS The exchange of driving rhythms ensnares one to bliss. Beyond hearing, beyond listening, beyond the feeling it naturally is. Caught in the happily melodic directed chaos we're grouped together to create There's a community's wordless conversation we're each here to moderate. This ride brings emotion, inspires pleasure, contentment, release - It's got its own personality this tenuous, eclectic, harmonic beast. (this jam's slowing down and the break, it seems, is near, Happily we'll rest, then do it again, that's clear) This one's different from the last - unique in its own time. I look, I feel, I intonate for a part I might create, A part I can say is mine. Wil

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Vintage Drum Circle 1993

Its really turning out to be a great weekend! Sorry I missed the Taiko Drumming Friday night, but I heard it was excellent, and everybody was there! We meet several new friends, thanks to Nadine, at the Belly Dance drumming last night. Maharupa and Myself mixed it up with 20 belly dancers and 2 other drummers. A good time was had by all and we’ll be doing this again I’m sure. I had a good time shopping with Summer at the Gem and Mineral show Saturday morning and saw several other friends among all the rocks and big crystal points. It made me want to take a trip to the desert and just walk around looking for whatever we find. We do this at least once a year.
We’ll be out there drumming it up again tonight. I heard its going to be a big one, see you there

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Hello Friends, I called Gary last night and found out from his son that he has been back in the hospital since Wednesday. He’s having a hard time breathing still and they found a fluid buildup in his lungs again. I called Gary at the hospital and we talked briefly. He’s in pretty good spirits, all things considered, and is taking it on as an adventure. They think, if he can keep his health up, that they might move his heart surgery up. They think the fluid buildup is coming from his heart issues. So, YOU should call him and give him support. Please keep it short, and positive. 415-353-8201 Room 1004 This number is the phone next to his bed.
I hope that some of you will be at the Belly Dance Party tonite. It should be a blast! See you there.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Good Morning, Man its cold!! I don’t know what’s worse, 118 degrees in the summer, or 28. Spring is pretty nice and it won’t be long before the frogs will be making noise! We did a real nice sauna last nite at Jon’s. It got up to 150 degrees and felt “cleansing”. He has a nice shower out on the deck right outside, and it was frozen when we went out to shower off with that Cold water. We recommend this as a great way to cleanse your body. Opening all your numerous sweat glands and purging the oils and all out. You can feel it clean you. Its not the Sweat though, which is alittle different, but attains the same results. Try a sauna first and you’ll go back again.
There’s lots of stuff going on for us drummers this weekend. The Belly Dance, Drum poster is happening Saturday Night from 7pm till whenever. It will be a great chance to meet new people in our area who seem to do what we do. I don’t know if you can read the poster, but here are the particulars….
Potluck…. bring your choice
Adults Only
Bring your instruments, your passion for dance, and your own drinks.
Bring items you want to swap or sell.
Location….Visalia Police Pistol Range ( its not what your thinking) Ave. 328 (towards Goshen) ½ mile west of Road 80, Visalia
Contacts…Robin, 733-5217 Michele..635-0639

AND……….Taiko Drumming TONITE 7pm COS Theater. This should be a stellar event.
For all you rock hounds in the group………The Gem and Mineral show is this weekend at the Exeter Memorial Building on Hwy 65 in Exeter, both days.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Wednesday Traditional

Drumming at Wil's

We are finally going to have the first Wednesday night music tonight at Wil’s house. Please join us for lots of drumming. Chuck will be there so plan on being in the groove and in the moment. And, don’t forget to bring some goodies. We’ll see you there.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Good Morning! Now , you would think with all this freezing weather that our Sunday night drumming is not happening, or the attendance is low, but that’s sure not the case!
We had a nice group Sunday nite, with about 30 attending at the highlite of the evening.
I gotta admit that I had my doubts when I pulled up and met Jose in front of the dark cold gallery. We went out back and looked at the frozen pile of wood and had more doubts! But come they do! We drummers like to think we’re a hardy bunch and this night we were called to task. We got a big fire going and drummers started arriving. Big Thanks for Orlando, Victor and friends, who come all the way from Tulare to share their talents. And , of course we all know Jose travels all the way from Orange Cove to join us! These friends are serious about drumming with us and I totally respect that!!!! We did some great percussion stuff with just little drums. Everyone left with big smiles and see you soons.

After rereading my entry about our visit to Gary, I should say that even though he is really frail and all, that there is big hope for his recovery. He needs to hear it from you that we need him around. He needs to be prompted to do more exercise and get strong so that he can live longer. There is hope and its up to him really to make that happen. And us to give him this great drumming life to come back too.

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Friday night was pretty busy. After meeting Wil in Santa Cruz late Friday afternoon, we headed up Hwy 1, the long way to San Francisco. Lots to catch up on and a great drive up the coast got us to Garys place around 8. I was taken back by the fact that Gary wasn’t recovering as quick as I had thought in my mind. I had only talked to him on the phone and he sounded better every time. Now, he said it was like he was always on Mt. Everest….always starving for Oxygen. He has his bottle close by and wears his hose. It calms him down and that helps with recovery. We went out through the busy Friday nite city to eat, packed with people everywhere and cars everywhere. We ate Chinese and then Wil just drove us around. Later we ended up in the middle of downtown at some donut shop drinking coffee, eating donuts, and just watching all the people, some homeless, all going somewhere. Saturday we did lots more driving around and eating out. We pretty much saw it all from a tourists view. Gary has a real nice place at his son Pauls house. It looks out to a deck and a big back yard of trees. If you go all the way up to the rooftop, you can see the city at night, a grand view! After an action packed couple of days, Wil and I said our goodbyes and headed back down Hwy 1 around sunset, Saturday night. We both felt we needed to stop somewhere and just yell and feel our own mortality. Make sure we could still run down a sandy beach, hop over big rocks and climb up some high hills, and we did. It’s a reality check folks, you better go visit Gary, and tell him we need him around awhile longer!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Well, it didn’t snow, but Brrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!! Everything was white as snow this morning. And there’s more to come. I’ll be enjoying it in San Francisco, where I’ll be visiting Gary along with Wil..
I’m leaving right now to Santa Cruz, meet Wil, and we’ll head up the coast, through Big Sur and all, on to Garys and we plan to stay there tonite, come home tomorrow…………..are you Jealous??
There will be lots of updates and new pictures for your blue, green and brown eye’s to feast on so check this out later Saturday. Stay Warm My Friends…………………...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Sorry for not getting to you yesterday. I had one of those days, I couldn’t even pound a nail in straight till after lunch. I’m blaming it on the nails though. You have probably heard that it might actually snow down here in the valley tonite and tomorrow. Now that’s always an event!! Make sure your camera is ready for this. Right now, its awful dark outside, and looks like anything stormy could happen.

I’ve been playing phone tag with Jaylene. Her, Scott and baby Finn are staying at the Barn, over at Slickee, last I heard, being banned from the Gallery. This drama has two sides, though the one that’s in the gallery now is finding out that it gets pretty lonely there when nobody comes over. We haven’t had a Wednesday night music gathering for awhile and my guitar calouses on the tips of my fingers are getting soft. This is pretty unusual for us.

Gary called me last night and asked me about all this. I told him the real scoop. He really doesn’t need any of this drama in his fragile life. I tried to keep it all pretty light. He said that he had written D a letter explaining his philosophies. We’ll see, in the meantime Gary is ready for a visit from YOU. Have a great powerful Thursday!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Usually Sage handles all the announcements at the last part of our Drum Circle Sunday Night. But, Sage hasn’t been coming lately and we miss her! Forget all that other stuff Sage and come on back, We Love You!

There is a Taiko Drum Performance at the COS Theatre on January 19. Tickets are 10 dollars. This should be a stellar event.

Monday, January 8, 2007

Our Big Fire last night worked just great! We were warm and cozy. Sometimes people bring things to throw in the fire to burn, old bills, documents, art work, and furniture. No shredder needed, just burn baby burn. It’s that way with letting go of stress too. Jose came up last night and released all the stress he had built up over the holidays. All the stress of bringing up a family, and the all the things that go with a high stress work environment. He started dancing around wildly as if possessed by some other being. He Yelled at the top of his lungs, and stared up straight in our eyes. It wasn’t scary though, because we could feel it too. We were relieving our stress by just watching him relieve his. This went on all night, I guess this is what speaking in tongues is like, because he was. We drummed a mighty drum groove that filled the air above Three Rivers with our Sunday night signature. All the while the gallery was dark and locked up, the trolls up in their room. We noticed that the Jolly Roger was flying up above the tower, how appropriate

Sunday, January 7, 2007

A twenty-nine miler up Yokohl is where I just came from. It was very brisk and sharp kinda cold when you go fast on the downhill trying to stay agile, as you look at the size of your inch wide bicycle tires and you speedometer says 30. But, that only lasts in spurts. Then there’s all the uphill, where you pay for your sins. On the first big one this morning I felt like puking! Finally the top and some more downhill. On the flat parts, all three of us ride real close together and draft each other. This is really cool if your #3 because your moving along, and its almost effortless.
You have to be in some kind of shape to drum. If you want the Big Groove for several hours , it takes lots of energy! I highly suggest getting out there and checking on January. Tonite, all you have to do is come on up to Drumming. We’ll have a big hot fire going, bring your goodies……..

Saturday, January 6, 2007

What a great time we had last night!! I’ve already had 2 comments here on this! Wil is right, it was 29-30 degrees and we were all drumming in it. No heat, just the groove, which was Very Hot. You could see everyone’s breath, looking like steam coming from a locomotive. We had a great meal and then it was the drumming, and dancing together that we drove 2 hours for. Eventually we ended up around the fire, a more intimate setting, and warm. This is where some great music was played, and we could rub elbows to feel the beat. It really is a feeling when it all goes together that way. It’s the highlight of my whole month!
Many Big Thanks to our hosts and all the great and wonderful friends we are making up in Auberry.

Friday, January 5, 2007

I got a call from Gary last night. It surprised me, and he sounded just like he does normally! Big recovery everyday, he said, “exponentially”. I’ve got a craving to visit San Francisco, and now is a good time, since I have a place to stay. Gary really wants company to visit him. You know the rules though, don’t bring everyone and your cousins too. And, call before. I’m not sure is I can put Paul’s number on here, so I just ask you to call me and I’ll get you set up.

I’m heading to Jim and Shelia’s in Auberry to drum till we can’t drum no more! I’m going up with Chuck and meeting Wil there also. Should be fun and cold! Of course we always stop at the Crispy Crème donut place on the way home. Ill give you a report when I get back. Stay Warm!

Thursday, January 4, 2007

I just recieved this.....ThanksPam hello rene, happy new year 2007 belated wishes coming to you from puerto escondido, oaxaca, mexico.

i don´t check e-messages very often because we don´t have a computer at my daughter´s place so have to tromp a quarter mile to the internet place....which may or may not be open, othe computers may or not be full.....and one doesn´t hang around very long waiting because it gets hot on the street, away from the sea breezes. but when i do check, i enjoy reading your blogs.....and although i know what a drag it is to read and-or listen to criticisms, its fun reading about your attitude around it all.....all, etc. people in glass houses would be better off not throwing stones....and all that jazz. if you weren´t writing the blog we, wayyyyy down here, wouldn´t have any reliable updates on you can file this in the *positive* input box! thanks for everything you write, rene.

kay has been here with my daughter adrienne and i for a week now....and two weeks more to go! last night we did what´s called a *temazcalli* (meaning womb of the mother).........a sweat the traditional mexican way. of course these are the times i think about you-all UP THERE..........and always with love.

time to sign off. hello to gary if you talk with him. xxoo, pam
Its Thursday’s storm for sure! Raining pretty hard out there, and winter storm warnings for the Sierra. We need more snow, so here we go.
I’ve been hearing from a lot of you out there in far away places, and I’m glad this blog is hooking us up! We send our Drum Circle vibe to you in Austin, Texas, Seattle, Maui, and Africa. You know who you are and we Love you. Can’t wait till we can drum together again this year. We’re talking about having a Drum Circle reunion this year, minus the balloons and confetti, so stay tuned for that one.
Its been pretty quite lately. We didn’t get together for music last night, so it’ll be an even better drum when we meet Sunday.
Dee called me and said that she had made a place for us in the gallery by the mirrors, to play our “other” music. Other meaning guitars, and smaller drums. The heater is right there and it should be a nice place to play on Saturday nights when we get together.
Wil has heard from Gary, and he said Gary sounded really good, and seemed to be recovering quickly. I’m hoping to call Gary today and try and get through to see how its all going and to tell him you said “Hi” Check back soon and I’ll tell you how it went. Be Careful in the Rain!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Bright sunny day here today. Yesterday, up at the 4000 foot level in the mountains it was hotter than down here in the valley….60 degrees! Hardly any snow left, but things are supposed to change tomorrow with weather coming in. It going to rain and snow.
Its Wednesday, and we could get together for music tonite if you want. Everybody is out of town, so you’ll have to contact me and we’ll get some music going.
The New Year always starts kind of slow for lots of people. I like drinking some coffee in the morning, and checking on things in the machine here. I know lots of you are running the race for the monetary status and my hats off to you! I’ve done that for many years and might do it again. Unless your rich already of course, and if I want to fulfill my resolution of getting rich, I better get going. See you all soon eh………

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Good Morning, If I was an outsider to this I would be thinking, man, these folks sure got the drama going But , I should explain that for us this is not the norm and its been kind of fun to watch it unfold, and not be involved, of course till New Years eve. I think everyone loves alittle drama, the only news is bad news and all that.
Our Drum Circle has been peace and incense, warm and fuzzy fires and lots of good people coming through. There is nothing like the feeling of all of us drumming and being on the beat, all together! We felt this last Wednesday nite at Wil’s when Chuck came for a surprise visit. We Rocked the House baby!! We had the pictures wiggling on the walls! The cats jumping out the cat doors and smiles and high fives! We live for these moments in our drumming life. They happen pretty often and the sound of our drums usually drown out any drama going!
Gary has been pretty quite over there at Paul’s in San Fran. You only get a message machine when a call is made. I know that Jaylene, Scott and baby Finn are visiting for the week, so he should be in good hands. I’m sure if he reads this he’ll give a call.
I better finish this coffee………fuel for my money maker……and get up the hill and pound some nails. I’ll fill you in on the weather when I get back…………

Monday, January 1, 2007

Well, Happy Birthday there Gary! Last night we sang several birthday songs to you, actually just that one that everyone sings. So, Happy Birthday, Happy New Year and Many more.
We had a merry crowd at our drum circle last night! Right off I was assailed and assaulted about why certain people weren’t on this blog and why so and so doesn’t get any respect and even how I stack my teepee poles!! Being a Blogger can have its responsibilities I’m finding out.
This all bummed me out and I had to use the “F” word several times to the assailants. So, off to the now New Year, where everything is basically the same, but its different. Different in my new way of thinking. We all should have a new way of thinking right now, resolutions and all. I didn’t really make any resolutions though and my take on it is to better myself, that’s really all its about isn’t it? To better yourself in your life? To make sure that you make it to another New Year. Remember where you were at the crack of twelve last night and think about it next new year.
So, aside from all the dingbats and dingalings, I’m very glad We’re all really tight with our friendship together! This is whats going to help me through the new year, YOUR friendship! That’s all we have together and I cherish it! Have a good day you all.