Photo Show from the Old Days

Photo Show from the Old Days

Rolling on a Historical Drumcircle

Rolling on a Historical Drumcircle
Pic by Karl Wenn

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Hello Friends, I called Gary last night and found out from his son that he has been back in the hospital since Wednesday. He’s having a hard time breathing still and they found a fluid buildup in his lungs again. I called Gary at the hospital and we talked briefly. He’s in pretty good spirits, all things considered, and is taking it on as an adventure. They think, if he can keep his health up, that they might move his heart surgery up. They think the fluid buildup is coming from his heart issues. So, YOU should call him and give him support. Please keep it short, and positive. 415-353-8201 Room 1004 This number is the phone next to his bed.
I hope that some of you will be at the Belly Dance Party tonite. It should be a blast! See you there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


The exchange of driving rhythms
ensnares one to bliss.
Beyond hearing, beyond listening,
beyond the feeling it naturally is.
Caught in the happily melodic directed chaos
we're grouped together to create
There's a community's wordless converstion
we're each here to moderate.
This ride brings emotion, inspires pleasure,
contentment, release -
It's got its own personality
this tenuous, eclectic, harmonic beast.
(this jam's slowing down and the break,
it seems, is near,
Happilly we'll rest, then do it again, that's clear)
This one's different from the last -
unique in its own time.
I look, I feel, I intonate
for a part I might create,
A part I can say is mine.
