Photo Show from the Old Days

Photo Show from the Old Days

Rolling on a Historical Drumcircle

Rolling on a Historical Drumcircle
Pic by Karl Wenn

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Tuesdays Thoughts

We are still riding the bikes, though I haven’t been riding during the week due to working late. So, its either Sundays or Mondays to ride. We rode up Dry Creek yesterday, just about 8 miles and came back. This was all after the sun had gone down so the light was nice and the temps were fabulous! Though we didn’t yesterday, we usually ride up about 15 miles to where this horse and donkey are in these corrals. Its a lot of up hill to get to this point and we’re feeling it by then. We’ve got this experiment going to see what happens when you give a donkey a clif energy bar pretty often... Super Donkey maybe, we’ll see!
Drumming was great on Sunday. Another big one and the groove to live for. We thumped into the dark night with the stars burning in the inky black sky. We turned out a nice after hours too with guitars and small drums. Should have recorded that one!
Well, here we are, Tuesday and I’m heading to work to start my work week. Who knows what will happen next, but I’ve heard it’ll be really good………..I’ll let you know!!

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