Photo Show from the Old Days

Photo Show from the Old Days

Rolling on a Historical Drumcircle

Rolling on a Historical Drumcircle
Pic by Karl Wenn

Monday, August 6, 2007

Gary Post has passed away....A friend of the Circle

A Drum Circle friend has passed away and we are all totally surprised and wondering about it all. Gary Post has been around us for all of our being as a Drum Circle, though he was always on the outskirts. Recently he started coming to our circles and participating. He had told Kelly he was real interested in helping us fix our big drum, and I pictured him and I working on it, putting a new skin on it so the drum can sing again. With new births happening, there is also death and its one that is not easy to take, even though you may not have known the person well, you feel the human side and we all are the same, sharing Love. Rest in Peace Gary…………

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