Well, its not been a bad Tuesday at all. It went by very quick really. Working on the ranch in the morning fixing fence lines and then in the afternoon up to the house way up on the hill to work. Jim an Inuit indian has been moved in up there and we have shared stories on life. He has told us how to hunt whale and how they wait in their boats out in the water for hours on end in the quite of the artic waters. Then up comes the whale and the quest begins. I'm not sure how I feel about whale hunting , but if anyone should do it at all it is the Inuits. They have been there a long time and they still do the hunt the old fashioned way with harpoons and paddle boats. As we worked during the day up there we kept hearing cat sounds. We were all pretty sure that a bobcat or mountain lion has a den somewhere close by and it was there babys playing..........cool! Since Jim is from far northern Alaska, where his village is, I asked him how the global warming was going. He said that the weather was already so harsh that it was hard to tell. The villages that are loosing their ground to the melting ice were late arrivals to the area and kept moving further out and now the water was taking it all back. So, thats the word from the north. I like hearing this kind of stuff and look forward to talking more with him while he care takes the place and builds his art that he is so good at. Tuesday for me......see you tommorow............
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
A word from the North.........
Well, its not been a bad Tuesday at all. It went by very quick really. Working on the ranch in the morning fixing fence lines and then in the afternoon up to the house way up on the hill to work. Jim an Inuit indian has been moved in up there and we have shared stories on life. He has told us how to hunt whale and how they wait in their boats out in the water for hours on end in the quite of the artic waters. Then up comes the whale and the quest begins. I'm not sure how I feel about whale hunting , but if anyone should do it at all it is the Inuits. They have been there a long time and they still do the hunt the old fashioned way with harpoons and paddle boats. As we worked during the day up there we kept hearing cat sounds. We were all pretty sure that a bobcat or mountain lion has a den somewhere close by and it was there babys playing..........cool! Since Jim is from far northern Alaska, where his village is, I asked him how the global warming was going. He said that the weather was already so harsh that it was hard to tell. The villages that are loosing their ground to the melting ice were late arrivals to the area and kept moving further out and now the water was taking it all back. So, thats the word from the north. I like hearing this kind of stuff and look forward to talking more with him while he care takes the place and builds his art that he is so good at. Tuesday for me......see you tommorow............