Yea,Thats right, Its hot today and gonna get hotter for the weekend. The river is slowly coming up to speed with the temps running high all the way up into the snow areas still covered and we should see significant rise as that happens. Its really nice to sleep to a river that runs close by and dreams are easy to come. The hills that were recently covered in a flower display that rivaled all the locals has seen are now quickly turning there summer brown. And I mean quickly and since its hot it'll just be brown by next week I"m sure. Come on up and see the lupines give out their blue hues before they dissapear too.And oh yea, don't forget that we're still doing drumming sunday night too....................
Friday, April 11, 2008
Feeling like Summer already........
Yea,Thats right, Its hot today and gonna get hotter for the weekend. The river is slowly coming up to speed with the temps running high all the way up into the snow areas still covered and we should see significant rise as that happens. Its really nice to sleep to a river that runs close by and dreams are easy to come. The hills that were recently covered in a flower display that rivaled all the locals has seen are now quickly turning there summer brown. And I mean quickly and since its hot it'll just be brown by next week I"m sure. Come on up and see the lupines give out their blue hues before they dissapear too.And oh yea, don't forget that we're still doing drumming sunday night too....................