Here we go with another week ahead and day 113 of the year. The big wedding happened this last weekend and now somebody has been married in the drum circle area. It was pretty posh as country weddings go and it all went off without a hitch. Thats saying alot! Past weddings have not faired to well on longevty unfortunatly, with only one that comes to mind that has lasted. Good Luck was our advice.
The new drum circle rules went into effect last nite, with all drums put away at ten. Other insruments and general hanging out still cool. We're just going on the aspect of caution since the county guy came last week and we haven't heard anything since. We are very lucky to do what we do and glad that all who came respected what was asked. That said, we had a great groove going for quite awhile and all who came went to bed with drums in their head!
It got really cold last nite, with frost showing up in the valley. The wind machines were spinning and the orange and grape growers were eating their rolaids.
Check in again soon and I'll tell you some more good news...............