Photo Show from the Old Days

Photo Show from the Old Days

Rolling on a Historical Drumcircle

Rolling on a Historical Drumcircle
Pic by Karl Wenn

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Character studies and river watching.........

Artists, Drifters, Loaners, Hitchhikers, Strays, Rainbow types, Hippies, Loafers, Wannabe’s, Soul searchers, Dead Heads, Players, Fringe elements………We get it all through the Gallery. You've probably entered with one of life's titles attached yourself, I know I'm one. We've had these two lads from Iowa hanging out and they sure do work! they are a nice and hopeful introduction to the new generation coming up. They were just back from a 6 day backpacking trip in Sequoia and lost in Visalia when Chase picked them up.......good catch to the tribe. They stayed for our Sunday night drumming of course!
So the river is sure letting its voice be known! Its up 1600 cfs and is being rafted and kayaked as it makes it way to the sea. The Kaweah Drainage here is 128% of its average snow. It looks like a good year for water, drink and be merry. The poison oak is out in bloom too so watch what your touching friends. I'll see you again soon...................

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Missing you on a Friday Night.........

This was what we saw on the way to Nadines birthday drumming. Gary and I were going in the story laughing about that message that was being sent out to all the people shopping at the grocery store on a friday nite. Turns out inside there were alot of people from Three Rivers, and we were in Visalia! I didn't regonize them folks cuz they weren't wearing their UGGS.........
Nice little drum jamming at the party. Good to see Keio and Lawrence.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Thursday Thoughts........

Hello from the east side of the river where its just pretty nice today. Sunny and breezy is the way life is giving it. Its a good day to take it all in and plan for whats next. Get strong on your thoughts and free your mind from the stress....
I have to apologize to the beer drinkers reading and telling me my past post was alittle anti beer drinking......I love dark amber from the draft so there..... I think I might have had some callraphobia going, yea that was it....
It was alittle cool here this morning and now it'll warm back up. You know it'll get real hot soon so enjoy it while you can. Check out the earth around you and see nature at its best.......

So, Don't get too lazy today, its a power day, a day to get it done and get ready for the weekends fun in the sun.............

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A word from the North.........

Well, its not been a bad Tuesday at all. It went by very quick really. Working on the ranch in the morning fixing fence lines and then in the afternoon up to the house way up on the hill to work. Jim an Inuit indian has been moved in up there and we have shared stories on life. He has told us how to hunt whale and how they wait in their boats out in the water for hours on end in the quite of the artic waters. Then up comes the whale and the quest begins. I'm not sure how I feel about whale hunting , but if anyone should do it at all it is the Inuits. They have been there a long time and they still do the hunt the old fashioned way with harpoons and paddle boats. As we worked during the day up there we kept hearing cat sounds. We were all pretty sure that a bobcat or mountain lion has a den somewhere close by and it was there babys! Since Jim is from far northern Alaska, where his village is, I asked him how the global warming was going. He said that the weather was already so harsh that it was hard to tell. The villages that are loosing their ground to the melting ice were late arrivals to the area and kept moving further out and now the water was taking it all back. So, thats the word from the north. I like hearing this kind of stuff and look forward to talking more with him while he care takes the place and builds his art that he is so good at. Tuesday for me......see you tommorow............

Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday, Monday............

Here we go with another week ahead and day 113 of the year. The big wedding happened this last weekend and now somebody has been married in the drum circle area. It was pretty posh as country weddings go and it all went off without a hitch. Thats saying alot! Past weddings have not faired to well on longevty unfortunatly, with only one that comes to mind that has lasted. Good Luck was our advice.
The new drum circle rules went into effect last nite, with all drums put away at ten. Other insruments and general hanging out still cool. We're just going on the aspect of caution since the county guy came last week and we haven't heard anything since. We are very lucky to do what we do and glad that all who came respected what was asked. That said, we had a great groove going for quite awhile and all who came went to bed with drums in their head!
It got really cold last nite, with frost showing up in the valley. The wind machines were spinning and the orange and grape growers were eating their rolaids.
Check in again soon and I'll tell you some more good news...............

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Rolling and Controling........

Well here we are, the weekend! There's a big "private" wedding here at the gallery today. There's been crews of people coming in the last few days doing cleaning, and I mean cleaning! The rafters the floors and mowing the lawn even. Now there's tables everywhere and lites and all bells and whistles that come with weddings. Theres caterers and bartenders and a DJ. I"m stuck in my loft here with a front row seat. Just don't hang my laundry out just yet....okay. They are getting the vows in the drum circle hole, so this is a first.
We're still riding the bikes. I haven' been on my triathlonish push though since moving here and living a few lanes over from the fast lane. But, yesterday we rode from the mineral king fire station to Giant Forest in the park. A 30 miler. It was all up hill but it wasn't too bad. It took 1 1/2 hours to ride up and about 25 minutes to come!! I love tucking into those curves. We passed a few cars too. Well, don't come by today but don't forget about tommorow nites drumming and full moon festivities............

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

River Dogs and River Rats..............

That's Zia the river dog. He spends his time lying around playing ball and since last nite, catching and eating a big Raccoon. The buzzard's have been sitting around the carcass all day, what was left anyways. The river dogs around here also ride in the white water rafts and do class 5! There's also the river rats who lazily wake up around noon and moosy down to the edge of the best part of the river with their 12 packs and swill the day away. Not my style, just my friends. You gotta mingle with the locals to get along here. People don't lock their doors, but you have to be local to be able to do that. Our Drum Circle creedo,to trust all comers and so far its been working for us. they also watch our sunburned backs for us!
The rivers been steadily running up in height on its way to the ocean and soon again the white water boaters will be coming around with their wild yells as they go by and their big beer drinking parties at night around the wood fired BBQ's. River men and Women leading a nomadic life following rivers all across the country, a pretty healthy lifestyle really! You'll see them in their cars and trucks coming up the road with the boats on top. Right here at Drum Circle central in the exact center of Three Rivers and the exact middle of the river run is where it happens.
I'll keep you posted..................

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Direct from the Sockmonkey.........

Well, we've had a major cool down here and its been very welcome after the few days fo summer past. The rivers pretty darn high too, 1400 cfs it went to last night, the highest its been in awhile. And, it looks like its been snowing....cottonwood fluff from the big Cottonwood tree by the river here. The white stuff is everywhere! There's some other stuff to report to you also.....They killed a big bear across the street at Marcie's Saturday. We heard the gunshots and thought, man, its a shoot out or something?? Then Marcie came by to tell us that a bear that was being bad got shot by the fish and game guy. Its a shame that it had to go that way! The guy cried when he did it, which says alot for the guntooting type. Also, after our great Drum Circle Sunday night, a county guy came by and said they had a complant and was sent to check things out. He took lots of pics of the drum circle area and asked Gary questions of the big brother type. We'll see where this takes us............

Friday, April 11, 2008

Feeling like Summer already........

Yea,Thats right, Its hot today and gonna get hotter for the weekend. The river is slowly coming up to speed with the temps running high all the way up into the snow areas still covered and we should see significant rise as that happens. Its really nice to sleep to a river that runs close by and dreams are easy to come. The hills that were recently covered in a flower display that rivaled all the locals has seen are now quickly turning there summer brown. And I mean quickly and since its hot it'll just be brown by next week I"m sure. Come on up and see the lupines give out their blue hues before they dissapear too.And oh yea, don't forget that we're still doing drumming sunday night too....................

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Back at Last...............

Well here I go again, back at it here in my mountain dwelling among the birds, frogs and river running by my bed. Its been awhile I know,but its back to everyday entries and updates for your reading a viewing pleasures! Alot has happened in the last month and as we go along here I'll let you know the latest so you can see that my new life ain't too bad! How have you all been doing anyways? The drumcircle has been alive and well with the big spring crowds coming up every sunday now. The River has been coming up too and theres still alot of snow to come down. Its been an experience for sure..........I call it going back to the stone age, but don't let that throw you off cuz we're still alive and well and giving you the news and pics you've been waiting for. Thanks for all that and yes, stay tuned ............