I’m posting these pics that Kevin T. took or his friend. They show what it looked like Sunday night at our drumming. Kevin hasn’t been in awhile and he is our fire twirling master wizard. So, a show we received….twirling and whirling in the darkness, with only the circles of fire in the air, and our drumming to egg him on too of course! We had a good one, you just never know who’s going to show and that’s one of the draws of this game we play every Sunday night along the Kaweah River.
Yea, were still pretty darn dry and no river hardly flowing, but its gotten cold like a frozen Alaskan lake!
Did a real nice ride up Yokohl today and we could feel the cold air arriving with a blowing wind. Nice though, that’s what it’s all about ………….
So, big things coming up……….I’ll let you in soon so like always my friends….Please stay tuned……………….Love to you………….

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