Moving along the conveyor of life over here. Its gotten colder and I’ve heard about 30 degree temps going around this morning. Well yea! It’s supposed to be snowing and it is in Iowa I hear. Here it’s still dry and no snow and well, it better hurry up. Can you imagine owning a ski resort in Tahoe right now! All dressed up and nowhere to go!! Thanksgiving holiday was always a big ski weekend for some, but now we’ve got the global warming and all that. That’s if you believe in it………..And I do by the way!!
So, we’ve been hard at the socializing. I’ve been working at the barn at Slickee with friends stopping by to say hi. Do come by too if your in the area, it’s the best part of the river. We did a nice sauna Friday nite, Wil, Gary and myself. Purging the bad and enjoying the good. Then went to Bruce’s 50th birthday party last night. All pretty easy fun for the funsters. And Tonite, we’ve got the big Sunday Night Drumming in the center of Three Rivers. Big warm fire, and lots of beats to push you into the week. A great way to start the week………..I hope to see you there my friends……Bring cookies and cake but no leftover Turkey please…………Lets catch up…………
Snow we have here in Iowa however we don't have the beach 3 miles away therefore we don't have such views as in the current picture. Another great one Rene'. Thanks for sharing them with us!
We don't have the beach 3 hours away either!
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