Bluesy Monday………….Well it could be if we let it, but its just too exciting to think about what’s in store next to dwell on that negative stuff. I’m focusing on my mantra of the week. To do good at work and have fun doing so. To keep the smile on. To have an outdoor adventure sometime this week. And to try to stimulate my brain. Now, that should about stretch the imagination. The future is now, so we better get on it!
The weekend was good for all of us. Several folks went up to the big Auberry drumming at Jim and Sheila’s and good reports came back. I missed going but duty calls now and my nose is on the grindstone for it. I’m glad that the drummings up there go so good, as they are great people to hang out with, and they helped us a lot at the Soul Food Cookout jam! I ended up going to the bar Saturday night to see music that ended up not happening. I do like going and having a couple of beers and running into old friends, but it was 2 Saturdays of going there in a row now and that’s pretty unusual for me. I’m not one to frequent public places that much. I left the place with a really good feeling though and there were several highlights that evening for sure. I don’t remember every curve around the lake that night and that’s kinda scary, but getting home and laying down on my single air mattress, with a slow leak, that’s hard to sleep on wasn’t too bad and I crashed hard………only to get up a few hours later and do the dreaded Woodlake triangle ride. Lemon cove to Woodlake to Badger and back to Lemon cove. I debated just calling and canceling as the floor was feeling pretty good, but I went anyways and rode that 50 miles with the energy I got from the bar meetings and life in general and I feel goooooooood!!
Great Core crowd drumming last night! All the old crew showed up and made for a great jamming time. Buddy got there early and started us out. Asta had been grooming the drumming ground and made another nice altarish center piece with lots of candles. We had our usual lookie lou’s but as more old friends showed, like Summer and Ren and Keio and Orlando and Ernie and ………well you know the rest……..It was a really starry night and in the end I was looking to the milky way and knowing it’s a good life we live….Let get together this week…………..
Hey Rene wish i could have been there Sunday...The spirit was willing but I've been kinda ill...Your photos are a real pleasure to look at...Your catching some great light...I'm working on posting the drumming video we've been talking about and it should be up shortly so you'll be able to link to it...Much Love 2 one and All
Thanks rene for the great beautiful journey that you take us on. I love to read your blog It lightens up the darkness that has been inside of me, and I can almost feel the beating of the drums and hear the music in the air. And the visions of my dad are glowing. Your blog has meant so much to me, my dad used to tell me of all the great things that were going on in his life and the drum circle was a big part of him. He would talk so passionate of all of you, it was so cool to here of all the stuff that was going on in his life it was as if he was reading me a story and I couldn't wait for the next chapter. I miss that so much, I miss hearing his voice and reading his thoughts. I just wanted you to know rene that this blog has really kept me from going to a darker place. Thank you rene for putting a smile on my face and peace in my heart and for keeping the chapters alive. Love always, Kim xo
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