Had to go to our big Park safety standoff in Grant Grove today. Had lunch with friends from Cedar Grove who had to come up for the meetings and caught up with more news, most of which was about the swarm of earthquakes that happened up there last night. Actually the real epicenters were in Mammoth Lakes where the magma is close to the surface and the place has lots of old cinder cones already. One actually got into the 4 point range. I didn’t feel anything here, but I probably could have if I was awake. It’s a scary thing at nite to wake up too. We used to have a hanging lamp with a chain at my parents house and I vividly remember several times, waking at nite and hearing that chain hitting the lite as it swung and getting that feeling of doom.. That was L.A. where the ground shakes a lot. So, up in the pine trees again and it was nice and cool too. A change from here where the hot is coming up fast.
Thanks Kim for the nice comments about the blog!! Your dad is in our thoughts a lot and we sing his songs on Sundays. I am keeping my life on this blog kind of translucent for you to read and there’s stuff inbetween the lines too…..kind of like a crossword puzzle to figure out, but you know who you are when I say what I say……………..Its all good folks and I’m glad you don’t mind a slice of my life to compare with. Thanks to you for all the inspirations…………..We’ll talk…………
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