Still busy with work. Gotta get the hay when its there for the getting. Lots of OT hours and I guess that's good eh?? Haven't seen my drum circle cronies lately either. Well, some of them at least. We have folks everywhere and I can always get updated on the latest by just asking so and so, or what's his face huh! I try to protect the Innocent of course. The drumming Sunday wasn't soo big and that happens now and again. A small drumming is sometimes the best. You can hear everybody playing and you can get intimate with it all. Its defiantly got its place.
The river is way down.... I mean it ain't no river really, its a stream these days. The dog days of summer.... August. Not been too hot though and really, we've had it pretty good with the temps and all. Now we have this monsoonal moisture thing coming it and it'll be fun to watch. Maybe some lightning later this week. I hope you day goes well and Thanks for checking in on my life and the life of others around me. I'll try to be faster................
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