So, how did it go Sunday night you ask? It was really hot out and I thought it was too hot too come and drum you say. Well, it was a great hot sweaty one! We had less folks show than normal, but that's still quite a few nowadays. We had drummers and plenty of dancers swinging around the alcohol fire. Though we only had one big bottle of the fire juice that we had to make last all nite, we did it. As the drums were going and the dancers showing the fire would go out and it would be just really dark. This was kinda nice actually with all swaying to the groove going on. We just kept going and even though you couldn't see you knew what was happening. Well lots of long sweaty grooves like I said and then at ten we headed to the river. Jon and Paul and Sage and Michelle and Myself slid in the river at grandma rock and stayed there till around midnite. The current gently nudging us with the ink black night and the milky way lighting up the night sky north to south. Billons of stars were above us and we were glad to be alive at that moment! This is what its all about on a Sunday night in the very center of Three Rivers. Have a good one..............
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Billons of stars I'm telling you..........
So, how did it go Sunday night you ask? It was really hot out and I thought it was too hot too come and drum you say. Well, it was a great hot sweaty one! We had less folks show than normal, but that's still quite a few nowadays. We had drummers and plenty of dancers swinging around the alcohol fire. Though we only had one big bottle of the fire juice that we had to make last all nite, we did it. As the drums were going and the dancers showing the fire would go out and it would be just really dark. This was kinda nice actually with all swaying to the groove going on. We just kept going and even though you couldn't see you knew what was happening. Well lots of long sweaty grooves like I said and then at ten we headed to the river. Jon and Paul and Sage and Michelle and Myself slid in the river at grandma rock and stayed there till around midnite. The current gently nudging us with the ink black night and the milky way lighting up the night sky north to south. Billons of stars were above us and we were glad to be alive at that moment! This is what its all about on a Sunday night in the very center of Three Rivers. Have a good one..............
Friday, August 22, 2008
What you think of our Company is what you think of this Society
Happy Friday to you. You deserve a few days off after all the stuff from this week huh! Well, enjoy then, relax, eat sleep and be merry. Laugh as much as you can. Smile, it gets everyone else involved. Be nice to all of us for sure. We're having a good friday too. Get stuff done! Finish all the things on the list and get ready to say, "I got it together". Then, make plans to come up and join us for Sunday night drumming to get you ready for another week. And, one more thing, spread Love........
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
The Moonlit Night............
Nice cool weather here today. A welcome change after the grueling heat. Its been a nice full moon too with the drumming being lit by it just around 9. The groove was going on too with dancers and drummers merging in a flow that you could only get with the crew of the night of August 17th. And, I missed it, but they went on a moonlight criuse of the lake after drumming too! In a houseboat, just like we did last year. I'll bet it was nice out on the lake with the last of the sierra snow melt to float on, lit up by the full moon beams. Wow! Now thats living! Meanwhile, Kelly, Ella, Maharupa and myself kept the monsters away from the drum circle area by talking about what we needed to talk about. Hope your day goes well..............
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Read this.................
Well Yea, Hows it going there bud?? Its been a crazy and busy couple of weeks, but now its almost back to normal. Almost! It can't be just regular and boring,I just wouldn't want it that way. The last few weeks have been filled with heck tic work loads and lots of Helicopters. A crew that has been working with us here are from Alaska. All Indians except two women and the pilot. They have some really cool stories and we've been all ears. I want to go to Alaska someday.
Drumming has been good too! Lots of grooves filling the dry hot air around here on Sunday Nites. And news too. Roger Jennings died. All of us old timers in the drumming know him real well for sure, though not necessarily all good thoughts. He had colon cancer and decided not to get treated for it. He died over in Bishop where he has been living. He claimed to have powers and tried real hard to influence our good things with those bad things. I think he put a spell on me one time. I got a rose thorn embedded in my finger deeply and it really put a crimp in my drumming style! I finally got it removed and got over it but man, it was a real bummer. Anyways, we don't want to think bad about anyone who has died and we all hope for peace and a new beginning ...........
Its been hot still. I know fall is coming, my favorite time and this year Halloween is on a Friday so wow! Well, I hope that your smiling that smile and living the life that's bringing good and Love to you!
Thanks for the personal comments sent! We're all missing and thinking about you over there in the far east Jill. I hope your happy and reading about us. Send some pics and I'll post them here. We're always interested in what our drum circle folks are up to in other lands. So, Much Love to you ALL.............
Monday, August 11, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
How are you doing??
Still busy with work. Gotta get the hay when its there for the getting. Lots of OT hours and I guess that's good eh?? Haven't seen my drum circle cronies lately either. Well, some of them at least. We have folks everywhere and I can always get updated on the latest by just asking so and so, or what's his face huh! I try to protect the Innocent of course. The drumming Sunday wasn't soo big and that happens now and again. A small drumming is sometimes the best. You can hear everybody playing and you can get intimate with it all. Its defiantly got its place.
The river is way down.... I mean it ain't no river really, its a stream these days. The dog days of summer.... August. Not been too hot though and really, we've had it pretty good with the temps and all. Now we have this monsoonal moisture thing coming it and it'll be fun to watch. Maybe some lightning later this week. I hope you day goes well and Thanks for checking in on my life and the life of others around me. I'll try to be faster................
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