Life's been very good, with alls thats going on around us. Drumming was real special sunday night because it is. Works been going good with new adventures and great surroundings. And, we have really been enjoying the fact that we have this close knit community of drum folks here that are much more than just drummers. Special people you are my friends and I'm glad to be with you all....
Some if you have asked whats been going on with the lads from Iowa. Well, they got all trained up in the life of a small town with a drum circle and now are headed out into the big world out there. I know for a fact that we left an imppresion on those lads and perhaps put more good vibes out in the world their headed to. We'll see them again, because we all know the drum circle creedo....You'll always come back!!
Well, I know you've been wondering if we made it through all the hot and muggy weather?? We did, barely. Its still hot and muggy, but alittle less of all of that. We took a nice dip in the river on Thursday night, late, around 11. We went to grandma rock and just slid on the rock in the dark night, right in the river. The current was not too bad and the water was ink black and warmish. The sky was all stars.
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