As my boss and I dunked our heads in the South Fork yesterday, I bid goodbye to my job on the shatner ranch. It was a good life as a ranch hand and now I'm getting ready for whats next.....working fire logistics in the park.....whopeeeeeeee!!
I can't wait to catch up with all my friends from last year and be in that beautiful place for another season of fun and adventures. I'll keep you posted.
BTW......I put the comments back up and so please do respond with your input but please keep it real and I'll be watching for the spammers of bad things. I hope we can keep the comments on tap and hear from you all out there reading this blog. I'll be trying to keep the pics from nature and life as I see it for your reading pleasures. Enjoy the next few cooler days as a big warm up is expected next week.... we knew this was coming since its almost summer again. Let me know how its going.
I'm so glad that you keep everyone posted with this blog Rene. It's been some weeks since I been to circle, love your photos keep them coming. See all of you soon.
Yippy, I get to post here again! I miss Three Rivers and my Tribe so much but making a good showing here in Santa Cruz. See you around the campfire soon enough.....
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