Wow, A week is almost done and its like....whatever happened to that guy that does the drum circle blog anyways?? Well, alot has happened in the last few days my friends. I've moved to the heart of blossom peak country and I've started working in the park again. Yea, Seqouia, Kings Canyon National Park to put it in proper english. Its been pretty grueling moving though....I'm missing the river sounds at night! Thats replaced with the sound of lots of frogs and just quiet. Oh and I do hear lots of earwigs scuttling around and scorpians too. Its nature taking back.
The drumcircle is still beating like a heart thats on fire. We've got a mission to keep on keeping on and we're going with it. We were inside Sunday night due to the rain and cooler temps and this weekend we'll be back at our old stomping and grooving grounds for sure! You should just plan a trip and come on over. You never know how long we'll be doing what we're doing these days, but we're determined and enchanted at the same time. Come on over! Love and Friday to you.....