Wow, big boomers since around 3 am this morning. Thunder and lightning oh my! Its got the dogs all freaked out and it does kind of startle you when it first comes. Then it started raining like crazy, a big wet rain and more light in the sky. So, now the clouds and some booming in the background, its gonna be a great day! I love this kind of weather and I’m sure it’ll smell fresh in the park. It was really hot yesterday, I know over 105 because it was that when I went to lunch in the shade! And now, it’ll be wondering if all this activity caused any fires?? They don’t always show up right away, they call em “sleepers”. They just sit there and smolder for several days and all of a sudden a wind gust comes and wow, we’ve got a fire!
I hope you all plan on going over to Linda’s tomorrow night to send her off on her vision quest of life. Bring your drums and something to eat and drink. We’ll see you there my friends and have a great and adventurous day!!