We’re grinding up to a Friday………yippee!! Now that I’m working Friday is Friday! And the weekend is coming up fast. What’s going on, well I don’t know yet, other than Drumming on Sunday Night for sure. That’s what makes Sunday night drumming special in my mind, the fact that no matter what happens in life, Sunday nite will always be there. Its been that way for over 15 years now and its never changed. We ALWAYS drum on Sunday nites. Only one time did we have only three attend, and I was one. But, that has only been once, and since then we never know who will come and drum. That’s part of the draw is wondering who will be there………will it be 20 people, or will it be 60 like some of the recent ones we’ve had. Its all a surprise and most always a real pleasure to do what we do with you. Its funny that this blog pretty much covers every aspect of our lives with pictures and stories of the drummings and adventures as we go through the year, that the only thing missing ……….and the most important thing we do is the music!! Imagine knowing all about us now and not knowing that part??!!..........Hopefully we’ll be able to share some of that with you soon……..So, stay tuned and Thanks for doing so!!
We’ll be doing a sauna tonight at the gallery………..8pm…….your always invited you know.
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