I should clear some things up about my big bike ride on Sunday. Some of you reading the blurp would be thinking, man, this dude thinks he’s some kind of stud or something huh?? Well, I’m pretty low on the studly scale as far as I feel. I ride to stay in shape, and yes, it’s some hard stuff physical stuff, but the other thing is I’m installing guilt to those of you who should be out there getting your body ready for a better life. Now a days you never know when you might have run like hell! To Drum like we do on Sunday nights, and other nites for that matter, you have to be in some kind of shape for sure, and my job requires that we all stay in good working order.
Speaking about Sunday night, I never did tell you how it went last Sunday night, when the next day was a holiday and we were expecting a bigger crowd. Well, it wasn’t so big, but it was well attended for sure. Wil was there with the mama drum. Since Wil has moved to Santa Cruz, we don’t see him so much. But when we do, you can bet that we’re gonna drum with the Big Kaweah groove that we all grew up with as drummers! Yep, we did too. So, the big groove machine was in action and to top things off, Kevin our fire spinner was back from work and hosted several beautiful fire spinning shows of wonder and delight. Backed up with a nice drumming, this makes quite a spectacle that had all the newcomers in awe and wonder, swearing they would be back next Sunday. We’re working on our fire situation too. It’s probably time to start the alcohol fire can. We burn the alcohol you buy in little white plastic bottles labeled as isoproponal, or rubbing alcohol. Its usually 99 cents a bottle and it burns a cool clear light that’s bright enough to see the faces in the back row for about 20 minutes. It also burns clean and we do about 5 bottles in one night. So, anyone who wants to bring some of these for our fires, please do. And, of course, the word is always out to bring goodies, which Carol and Paul always do………Thanks to you both for that!! More is better, and we welcome any kinds of cookies, or hey, bring something healthy then.
I’m trying to catch you all up on the past week, so we can move on, because there’s a lot of new stuff getting ready to happen so please stay tuned…………….And Thanks for doing so!!..........................