A very nice get together last night at Linda’s. Lots of friends came and Linda was a wonderful host. Lots of goodies to eat and drink, a nice inside area to play music in and outside activities too. We are gathering quite the crowd for Wednesdays! I hope the neighbors are okay with it…….turns out the one behind her house is an old friend of mine, and we were able to reunite last night briefly, now that’s some pretty good odds in all of Visalia to have him live right there! He heard our drumming and asked if she knew me. Drumming has a signature all our own.
We’re going to the Orange Blossom restaurant tonite for music and drinks if you would like to join us. Otherwise we better rest up for the weekend eh…………
Hey Rene'
The BS keeps getting greater and greater here. Looking for new digs and missing the gatherings of my tribe greatly. Friends ask why I'm not on the blog, to which I say "read about the big cat..."
Glad you're having such phenominal success.
You are greatly missed by all of us as well...it's just not the same without you and 'big mamma.'
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