It's been freezing,every night.But its just right at freezing. Still the days are sunny and cool and stars are in the sky at night for sure. The shortest day of the year is right around the corner and then it'll start getting light longer, but man, hurry up! We've been hard at it doing some work at the Gallery. A elec. and a new/old'll see when you come up for our Sunday Night Drummmg. We've had some good hot fires too for Drumming. Its nice to be out when its real chilly if you have a hot fire you can rotate around. Yea, you want to watch the south side of the circle though cuz thats where the smoke goes, usually. We all have our places we go to in the circle every Sunday. We have our special spots. I know I do and if you get there late, well sorry, you lose. Sometimes out of respect that person will give it up to the core drummers, but some don't know. We didn't plan it and this is how it got to be. See you Sunday eh??
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Hot Fire Sunday Night
It's been freezing,every night.But its just right at freezing. Still the days are sunny and cool and stars are in the sky at night for sure. The shortest day of the year is right around the corner and then it'll start getting light longer, but man, hurry up! We've been hard at it doing some work at the Gallery. A elec. and a new/old'll see when you come up for our Sunday Night Drummmg. We've had some good hot fires too for Drumming. Its nice to be out when its real chilly if you have a hot fire you can rotate around. Yea, you want to watch the south side of the circle though cuz thats where the smoke goes, usually. We all have our places we go to in the circle every Sunday. We have our special spots. I know I do and if you get there late, well sorry, you lose. Sometimes out of respect that person will give it up to the core drummers, but some don't know. We didn't plan it and this is how it got to be. See you Sunday eh??
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
We are on Facebook
Friday, November 11, 2011
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Anyone up for a River walk...........
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
The Big Drumming of Last............
The Sunday after our performance at the Three Rivers School Carnival was pretty special. Some of the old core drummers showed and we all remembered how it was to drum together and why it is a great thing to do all these years. We can just be drumming and stare at each other and the words are spoken so.........
Monday, October 24, 2011
Update Time..........
Dang, time moves too quick for me. Its time for an update! Alls been well in the world of Drumming and all the Drummies are doing good too. We're gearing up for our big yearly gig at the Halloween Carnival across the street from the Gallery here in Three Rivers. Its out on the baseball field of the School. Lots of folks attend this Saturday nite party and we'll be going the last hour of the event.....7 to 8 in the eve. Who will show is always the question. A few of us core folks will be there for sure. It should be good and your welcome to join us. You get a free dinner and its always great food. It will be in front of about a thousand people and most you'll know so wear a costume and they won't know its you acting like some drummer from town. Come on up. I'm going to be updating more now that I"ve just about fininshed my 6 month work with the Sequoia National Park Fire season so stay tuned................
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Its not what you think...........
Getting ready to go up and Drum tonite. Its Sunday folks. Time to be by the River and get the heat from a different vantage point. The exact center of town. Got my drum, got my shakers and cowbell and claves. Got lots of always suprises me how many show with no water!! What are you thinking dude! We're planning on drumming, I mean getting down with it,not just sitting there and slapping your hand lightly around, we're thumping the skins. I'm planning on sweating and getting some excercise and drinking lots of water too. I'm planning on watching the most beautful women dancing and playing the soundtrack for that movie........The future is now my friends........come on up tonite!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Hot and Sweaty times are good.......
We had a good one last nite. How do you describe a "Good One"? Well, in a way they are all good, but some just stick out. Maybe it was cuz it was sooo hot and sticky. It got the blood boiling I guess. The other thing is its who shows. We had friends from the past, friends who are regulars and friends who are starting to come and have for several in a row. Pretty soon we get this group who is always there and know who we do what we do. We grooved it last nite. Thumping the town of Three Rivers on a Sunday nite when all the people just watching TV we're wondering what was making the pictures shake on the walls. Now, thats a GOOD ONE! and Thanks to all of you for making it so.
Friday, August 19, 2011
After Hours this last Sunday Night..
Yes, some of us still stay late after all the Drums have been put away and get out the guitars, ukelelalees, flutes and all things that don't make so much noise but make nice music happen. Its also a really nice time of the nite to just be out by the river and enjoy hanging out with friends who we only see once aweek. No loud instruments due to our curfew. You are all welcome of course!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Going to Bed with Drums in your Head
What starts out as a quite small gathering can quickly change at the Drum Circle as those of you who have come often know to be true. The saying goes, "it could just be us". But hardly ever it is just US. Last night proved all that stuff true! We had around 31 friends show and some even bringing drums. We had several Dancers and even a River Drunk washed up from below to twirl tpsy round and round the dance floor where she was stopping/falling none of us knew.It finally took some of our core women Drummers to escort her away. And, the Drumming was the usual crazeness when everyone that has Drums is trying to be louder than everyone else who has Drums. Drum Wars ruled. But out of it all we reined in some deep bottom hugging groove thangs that stuck and left all who attended going to bed with drums in their head........
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Its Tonight we Gather........
After a really nice week of cool temps. the River is becoming aproachable and swimable if you know where to get in that is. Its still a deadly current and a very cold tempature to deal with. You could drown! Anyways, its going by the Drumcircle and its loud that River. It covers up all the noise we make and sometimes when it is just noise its a good thing. It keeps all the new people who haved moved into Three Rivers and used their millions of dollars to build their big houses from complaining about us. All the new arrivals in town always gotta complain bout something cuz thats what they always did in the big cities they came from. We just ride all that out though and have for all of our 19 years. We just groove along and enjoy the great life we're given, no complaining. I always have friends ask me what's a good time to show up for the Drumming. Well, we start at 6 technically. But its still light out. People start arriving and some go into the Gallery and look at the art, some go to the River and check things out, others go into the circle and get it ready for the big event of the night. Usually I tell everybody that the magic starts happening when it starts getting dark. When we light the fire or the oil lamp. Darkness is the best for doing what we do. It makes us all look ageless. It covers all the background that can be distracting. When red is gray and yellow white, you can decide what is right and what is an illlusion...............
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
A Hot and Sweaty bunch of Grooves......
A nice and hot sweaty sunday nite drumming it was. The river was ripping and splashing in the background and the drums were going in the foreground. We had a great show of hands on deck, Chuck, Wil, and all the core members who come and jam out the grooves in the heat of the night. We had a special guest, our lady who plays the Diggee the best, with her new baby strapped to her as she played. Wil's friend also had a Diggereedoo and together it was a girls nite out with the Diggee'ss. I hope to get the video up so you can check it all out. Well, it happens alot so you still got a chance to see all the cool stuff we're up to and things that show up in the dark.........
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
The Good Life........
We had a big one Sunday night! People showed and like its been lately, we didn't know them, but they came and had great fun. Drumming and Dancing and Hula Hooping and Spinning Fire too. Its like that these days, a few core members and lots of others coming to see what all the talk is about. That Drum Circle up in Three Rivers, they rock man!!
We've been meeting at the Riverview on Tuesday Nights. Tuesday Taco Nights that is. We always get a table right next to the Raging River and have Tacos and its good and lots of Drum Circle folks are there too. You all are welcome of course!
Its supposed to be really hot today, 107. Man, I know you might want to just jump in the river cause its just right there but don't. Its so crazy high and it'll suck you in and you might not come out. A Raging River running at its most cubic feet per second of the year. See you soon...........
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Here we go then...........Its been awhile my friends, but Drumming lives! We've been hard at it every Sunday night. With a fire too, its been chilly most Sundays. Last Sunday we even had to move under cover due to rain starting all of a sudden and big drops too! The weather around here has been all the talk of course. The whole month of May was very cool and this hasn't happened as long as I remember..(and thats a long time) Now its June and its just starting to get kinda hot. I"m working back up in the Park and our Fire season will and is off to a slow start, though soon to rage. Well, we're having a Potluck at the Gallery Tonite at 6.00. You should plan on coming up to see us and to Drum. The river is as high as it gets and is something to see. Come on up friends and lets catch up...........
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Recording at the Gallery Recording the Old Days
Friday, February 25, 2011
Old Friends come Visit.........
This past weekend we had friends come visit from Lake Havasu, Arizona. Friends who had been at the Drum Circle some years ago and influenced our music in many ways. As the word got out the result was a bigger Drum Circle Sunday Night, in fact for those keeping meticulous records, it was the biggest of the year. Good Grooves with good friends equals a life well lived................
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Burning Art and Drumming.
Here's a few pics to show you that all is still grooving along here. We burned Art at our last big drumming a week ago. I always hate to see that beautiful art get burned, but it was around for a long time and was real hard to make it burn! You would think that a wood frame with canvas wrapped around and latex paint all over would burn, but it sure took longer than I would have guessed!
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Well, its coming soon......
Yes, we're due for something new here eh.........Check back and we'll see whats in store..........
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