Well, that was work, we decided to take a few days for some much needed R and R and went to a family reunion in Las Vegas, and we flew out too. Haven’t flown in a Dogs life so that was fun, and Vegas was a blast too. I was missing my drum buds here as we watched all the people spending all their money in hopes of striking it rich…..good luck with that we said and headed to the buffet! We ate good and I got a belly going for awhile! Went out on the town late Saturday and well, you know the rest………
Drumming has been great too. Grooves and more grooves. Myshelly , myself , Gary and the Gallery Valarie went out to eat this last Saturday nite and that was sure sweet. It was good to spend some time away from it all with known friends and catch up. I totally heard everything and since I missed just one drumming being in Vegas, I needed to find out. You know, the gossip thing and all. Wow, you should have heard what we heard…………….well, you’ll just have to come up to drumming and find out now…….Have been missing you my friends and know that I’ll be drumming hard and sweating bullets in your honor this coming Sunday night, so join us if you will……………….Love and energy to you all…….