Yo, I’m back. Go get yourself a warm cup of tea and I’ll catch you up on my last few hours.
Well, I didn’t die so that’s good news. I made it through the surgery and it went great! No facial deformities like I was thinking were going to be the case and I feel pretty darn good. My head is all wrapped in bandages and I look like the mummy. I’ve got pain meds and lots of time to lie around watching TV and thinking. I don’t need to lay around and today I go see the doc again and probably get some bandages removed.
The worst part was the drive over yesterday. Of course I’ve been dreading this surgery, my first, ever since I made the appointment. I was told by several of my friends around here that you just have to give in at some point and let them do what they do. I came to that conclusion while in the waiting room and with an IV stuck in me I just meditated on what was to come. I had to wait a couple of hours like that and I listened to all the other people getting ready for their operations. Then they came and had me go to the surgery room and lie down on a table. The guy with the knock out drug had me breathe in some oxygen from a mask and that was the last thing I remembered. I opened my eyes in the recovery room after my 2 ½ hour surgery and sipped on some sprite, ate some crackers and urinated. I was spaced out……………………….
Monday, the day before, I took a long 30 mile ride on my bike. It was a beautiful day and I had some good friendship to help psych me up for my big day. I was feeling really healthy and turns out I am!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any of you who hang around me probably have noticed that I’ve been a lot more subdued lately. Well bro this is why. I’ve had a lot on my mind and now I’ve got to plan my next moves with my new life……..yippee!!
Yours thoughts and prayers for my operation going well paid off and for that I am forever grateful !! Thanks for checking in………………..My Love to you all…………