A wild and wholly weekend would work. But, it sure could have been more wild and wholly, it really depends on your goals and standards to which you live your life. We have drum circle standards……I know your saying “yea right” the unruly drummers have standards…..Ha!! Well we do damn it and we’ve been being pretty good considering the things that get brought in. The doors always open you know and who knows what the cat will drag in. We had a great, yes great drumming last night!! Long grooves with lots of dancers and Jose the facilitator in action in the middle of it all! Thanks Jose for getting us up and dancing and grooving. It was tribal last night, we chanted and got really sweaty. I got there early to water down the place and it took a long time for people to show up.You never know who will come, and after quite awhile they came…..in droves! From the river, from the street and all came to drum. A well behaved crowd I might add too, under that bright and full moon we did what we came to do in the fashion that the town is used to hearing echoing through the air of Three Rivers on every Sunday night of the year.
Renn surprised us with a welcome to her house boat around 10.30. This was kinda interesting because only 10 people could go and there were many more than that still left playing music. Somehow the natural selection kicked in and off we went for a really surreal adventure way out in the middle of Lake Kaweah with what turned out to be the core of the circle. We have all been friends for many many years and its great times that I’ve had with you all!! I’m glad you are ALL in my life……………………..